Tuesday, May 31, 2011

its summer....where was spring?

april may showers
may june flowers

why is it almost 11 pm and I'm blogging?  
guess thats what happens when i fall asleep at 7pm.  
seriously, have I learned nothing from my mother?!
dont take late naps
& dont walk outside in your socks

an open letter to my new neighbors.  
Yes, you who have your doormat covering part of my doorway.

Dear my new neighbs,

   Pls stop being so loud.
   The hermit who lived there before was the best neighb.
   & he didnt want to use the back stair storage space.
   its been over a year & i've claimed it as mine.
   so please please please...dont come a knockin on my door asking to use the space. 
   ill have a fit.


Um...somethings wrong here...

1 comment:

  1. i love hermit neighbors. amazing post. Thanks love. I hope you had an amazing long weekend. xoxo


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