Monday, January 17, 2011

holiday recap

Okay, so in my true fashion I am a bit delayed in covering something that, at this point, feels like it was ages ago.

The Holidays



We spent the week in Snowmass.

...there were amazing views

We hung out


& everyone wanted to dress up just like me.

We went snowshoeing 

& my mom fell.  i was a bad daughter and just kept taking pictures of her.... least she was laughing!

my cousin JP caught us on his way out the door.

then he was off to ski.

So we tromped around the golf course...

& i decided i needed to pose like i was in a magazine.

Look how beautiful! 

My mom and I have played this game for years.  I imagine it started when we were kids and she would suggest we do silly things and we would say 'ok!'  
Pure entertainment for her.  
I saw this trough and naturally turned to my mom and said 'go sit in 
there and I'll take some pictures.'  
She said 'ok!'

...then I said 'OK!'

We took a snowcat to the top of the mountain and had dinner & wine.  With some more wine.  Then some more.  We were the most 'festive' table in the place.

& then there's this. 

its the only evidence.  the musician for the evening gave us instruments.  um, after a few cocktails that's an open invite to start a conga line and dance around the restaurant.  

Peg's response?  "You spend too much time at the bar."  

 Cheers to Danielle, cousin/roommate/dancin partner!

In the end the moms were exhausted.

OH YEAH!  We went to Glenwood Hot Springs.  If you're even in this neck of the woods-its a must!  I was having major urges to swim around and this was the perfect way to spend Christmas Eve.  
Thanks, madre!


  1. the tambourine really is a jovial instrument.

  2. love all of those pictures. especially the one of your mom and aunt laughing, and then the series of peg snowshoeing..
